The latest entry in Kotobukiya's new. This time, Kotobukiya is teaming up with the world-renowned illustrator duo Gurihiru! Brought to life in a fully-detailed diorama, the Ewok tribe of the forest moon of Endor create a cute and gallant scene in their battle against the Imperial army. The expression of each character fighting around the AT-ST is a must-see for fans!
Be sure to add this statue that is filled with Gurihiru's signature artistry to your very own collection. The original artwork that the statue is based off of will be included as an art print with this figure. This item is in the category "Collectibles\Science Fiction & Horror\Star Wars Collectibles\Other Star Wars Collectibles".
The seller is "flipsidegaming" and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.